Jailbreak iPad 2, iPhone 4S 5.0.1 on Linux - iPhoneHeat

Jailbreak iPad 2, iPhone 4S 5.0.1 on Linux

Absinthe for Linux is now available for download. In this guide you’ll learn how to jailbreak iphone 4s and iPad 2 running iOS 5.0.1 on Linux. Absinthe is available for all major pltforms including Windows, Mac and Linux.

For Windows and Mac Users:

Linux readers continue reading this guide to jailbreak iPhone 4S and jailbreak iPad 2 on Linux.

How to Jailbreak iPhone 4S, iPad 2 on Linux

Step 1

Download Asinthe for Linux;
and unpack on your desktop.

Step 2

Since there is no iTunes for Linux, so make sure you’ve the libimobiledevice package installed on your Linux distribution. libimobiledevice package allows Linux to communicate with iPad 2, iPhone 4S, and other iDevices.

Here’s how to install libimobiledevice package on Ubuntu:

  1. In terminal type: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa
  2. Accept any warnings and install.
  3. Now type: sudo apt-get update
  4. Go to the Ubuntu software center and search for libimobiledevice, and install libimobiledevice-utils.
  5. Reboot if necessary. After reboot, Linux should recognize your device.

*** The process could differ depending on your Linux distro, for other distros and more information, checkout: http://www.libimobiledevice.org/

Step 3

Now execute the Absinthe:

for x86 machine: Run the absinthe.x86
for 64-bit machine: Run the absinthe.x86_64

Step 4

Make sure your iPhone 4S/iPad 2 is powered ON, Connected to your Linux computer, and that Absinthe detects your device;
Then click Jailbreak.

Step 5

Absinthe will finish the jailbreak process itself, no need for any user intervention until then end;
Once the loading bar is complete, find the Absinthe icon on your iDevice’s Home screen, and launch it to complete the jailbreak process.

Step 6

After reboot,  you should see the Cydia icon on your iDevice’s home screen.

That’s it. have fun with your jailbroken iPhone 4S / iPad 2.

via [iDownloadblog]

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