Corona A5 (iPhone 4S, iPad 2) Jailbreak *Important Details* - iPhoneHeat

Corona A5 (iPhone 4S, iPad 2) Jailbreak *Important Details*

Just like you guys, we’re eagerly waiting for the A5 jailbreak to drop. We have seen many teasers in the last week or so,we think the A5 jailbreak is upon us now. Dev-Team has just published a post on their blog titled: “Corona A5 jailbreak nearly ready to pop!”

Hit the jump to learn more about Corona A5 jailbreak

For those not familiar, A5 devices includes iPhone 4S and iPad 2 and A4 devices include iPhone 4, iPad and iPod Touch 4g.

Corona A5 untethered jailbreak is nearly ready to pop, this is what Dev-Team just posted on their blog. You’ll finally be able to jailbreak iPhone 4S, jailbreak iPad 2 and install awesome jailbreak tweaks and themes.

The A5 untethered jailbreak will come to both Windows and Mac OS X from both the Chronic Dev Team (probably in the form of Greenpois0n), and iPhone Dev-Team in the form of RedSn0w. However, there will be other methods too. This is what iPhone Dev-Team posted on their blog:

Due to the combined efforts of @pod2g and members of the iPhone Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team, we’re nearly ready for a general release! All technical hurdles dealing with the underlying technique have been overcome, and it’s now all about making the jailbreak as bug free as possible.

Jailbreak programs:

To be as flexible as possible, the A5 version of the corona jailbreak will take multiple forms:

Chronic Dev have incorporated the overall flow into a GUI that runs on your Mac or PC. The goal is for the GUI to be enough for most cases.
iPhone Dev have also incorporated the exact same flow into an alternative command-line interface (CLI). This will allow us to help users through individual steps of the jailbreak manually, to both help the user and help improve the overall flow. Although the CLI will also allow the user to perform the entire jailbreak from beginning to end, we anticipate it will be more useful in debugging the occasional errors. The CLI currently has over 20 individual options (in addition to the single “jailbreak” option) that should be useful during debug after the GUI release.
Once all the bugs in the flow are worked out, we’ll also incorporate it into the redsn0w GUI (but still leave the CLI freely available too). In order to maximize the chances of the jailbreak working for everyone, the redsn0w GUI will use native Apple iTunes libraries — this technique is slightly different than how the Chronic Dev GUI handles communications, and should provide nice combined coverage for all the odd computer configurations out there.


The supported firmware versions will be:

iPhone 4S: 5.0 (9A334), 5.0.1 (9A405) and the “other” 5.0.1 (9A406)
iPad 2: 5.0.1 (9A405)

iPhone4S owners looking to maximize their chances of achieving an eventual software-based carrier unlock should be staying at 5.0. Everyone else should be at 5.0.1. If you’re an iPhone4S owner who already updated to 5.0.1, it’s too late to go back down to 5.0, but if you’re on 9A406 it is possible to downgrade the BB by going to the 9A405 version of 5.0.1 while the window is still open.


When testing has shown most of the bugs have been fixed!

Paypal Contributions:

Because there were so many different people and teams involved in the A5 corona release, we all felt the most equitable approach to any Paypal contributions should involve a single shared account.  If you do feel the desire to contribute to the “dream team” Paypal account, it will be distributed to the members according to internally agreed-upon proportions 🙂  (Please refer to this blog post for that specific link, to avoid frauds!)  The same link will be on both the Chronic Dev and iPhone Dev versions of the GUI.  This method seemed like the fairest to everyone involved!

We’ll update you as soon as the A5 Corona jailbreak hits masses. Stay Tuned!

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