Strings found in the first beta of the iOS 5 suggested panorama camera mode in iOS 5. A series of strings found in iOS 5 code suggested that the company could implement a panorama camera mode in iOS 5 for panoramic photo-taking similar to what third-party apps like 360 Panorama and Pano are already offering. But in final release of iOS 5, Panorama was nowhere to be found in iOS.
Luckily, a hacker has discovered the same panorama option inside the Camera app with some modifications to a particular .plist file. However, things have been made easier for the end users, thanks to a new jailbreak tweak made available in Cydia, named Firebreak. By simply installing Firebreak, you can enable panorama camera mode in any Gyroscope capable device.
Panorama Camera Mode Features
- Requires iOS 5 or higher
- Requires Gyroscope capable device, iPhone 4, or newer, or iPad 2.
- Enable built-in panoramas on iOS 5 Camera app.
- No icons added to the homescreen. The panorama button is added to the Options menu in the Camera app.
Obviously you will need a jailbroken iPhone 4 and iPad 2 running iOS 5 or higher to install Firebreak from Cydia. There’s no iPad 2 jailbreak for iOs 5, however, you can jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS 5 using RedSn0w and Sn0wbreeze. Note: iOS 5 is currently tethered jailbroken only, however, you can install Semitether from Cydia to enable Semitether jailbreak. (Know more about: Untethered, Tethered and Semi tetehred jailbreak)
Did you install Firebreak? How is the Panorama mode working for you? leave your comments below…