Google has launched the Instant Previews for iOS 4.0+ and Android 2.2+ mobile devices. Google Instant Previews lets users preview a website from Google search results before making the decision to click on a link.
Instant Previews provides a fast and interactive way to evaluate search results. Starting today, Google Instant Previews is available on mobile for Android (2.2+) and iOS (4.0+) devices across 38 languages. Similar to the desktop version of Instant Previews, you can visually compare search results from webpage snapshots, making it easier to choose the right result faster, especially when you have an idea of the content you’d like to see.
Go to on your iDevice and search for anything. By selecting a magnifying glass icon next to a search result, you can browse the websites that appear on the first page of results. Tapping the page preview will open up the respective link.
Google Instant Previews in action
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