OS7 Theme - Windows Phone 7 Theme for iPhone, iPod Touch

OS7 Theme – Windows Phone 7 Theme for iPhone, iPod Touch

wyndwarrior, a jailbreak iPhone theme creator has brought OS7 theme, a Windows Phone 7 Theme for iPhone and iPod Touch. OS7 theme is decent Windows Phone 7 experience on iPhone and iPod Touch featuring the Windows Phone 7 live tiles and displaying applications.

OS7 theme requires your iPhone to be jailbroken. You can Pin application to Start Menu and can also unpin from Start. Of course, even jailbroken, don’t expect too much from it due to iOS certain limitations. Still, the result is impressive. Checkout the screenshots below to see what OS7 will offer you, once installed on your iPhone or iPod Touch.


A simple plug-n-play theme for iPhone and iPod Touch. Static tiles and application lists are both auto-created. Easily customizable start menu, including live tiles. Requires NO paid tweaks or even Winterboard.

Live Tiles & Application List

os 7 theme windows phone 7os 7 theme windows phone 7os 7 theme windows phone 7

Customizable Start Menu

os 7 theme windows phone 7os 7 theme windows phone 7os 7 theme windows phone 7

How to Install OS7 Theme

OS7 theme creator has not determined the theme price yet. However, OS7 public beta is available for download. Follow the steps below to install OS7 theme on iPhone and iPod Touch.
** we assume that your iPhone / iPod Touch is already jailbroken.

  1. Open Cydia, go to Search tab, search for Backboard and install it.
  2. Open Backboard and hit the ‘+’ button and input any name, then hit Create button. (This will backup your current iPhone state)
  3. Open safari Browser on your iPhone / iPod Touch and input the following URL:


  4. This link should open Backboard
  5. Backboard should prompt you to download OS7 theme, hit Yes and wait for it to download (about 4MB).
  6. Once done, it will notify now. Hit Dismiss button.
  7. Now select OS7 from Backboard. Press Install. Respring.

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os 7 theme windows phone 7os 7 theme windows phone 7os 7 theme windows phone 7

OS7 Theme Demo

via [Modmyi]

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