iPad 2 Announcement on Feb. 1 with Dual Cameras, Retina Display? - iPhoneHeat

iPad 2 Announcement on Feb. 1 with Dual Cameras, Retina Display?

Kevin Rose, the Digg founder, whose previous track record of predicting Apple products is either pretty accurate or terribly wrong, now claims in a blog post that Apple will be announcing the iPad 2 in the next “3-4 weeks”, possibly Tuesday February 1st and it features retina display and dual cameras.

I have it on good authority that Apple will be announcing the iPad 2 in the next “3-4 weeks”, possibly Tuesday February 1st. The iPad 2 will feature a retina display and front/back cameras.

If you’re thinking of buying an iPad, hold off for now.

Later in an update to the blog post he clarifies that it won’t be a Retina Display, but a “higher dpi” screen.

Spoke w/another source, the display has a “higher dpi”, but not technically a retina display. This seems odd to me, we’ll have to wait and see..

Previous iPad 2 rumors also suggested a Retina Display and rear / front facing cameras as well. Share your views in the comments section! via [Kevin Rose][tipb]

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