How to Activate iPhone Officially Without Official SIM with SAM & RedSn0w 0.9.6b6 - iPhoneHeat

How to Activate iPhone Officially Without Official SIM with SAM & RedSn0w 0.9.6b6

Subscriber Artificial Module (SAM) is a new hack available in Cydia which will activate iPhone officially without official SIM card or hacktivation. SAM and RedSn0w 0.9.6b6, together, will help you fix the battery drain issue incurred after hacktivating iOS 4.2.1/4.1 with RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 or PwnageTool 4.1.3.

Subscriber Artificial Module (SAM) is developed by sbingner, the dev behind TetherMe tweak. Official description goes as:

Subscriber Artificial Module (SAM) tricks your iPhone and iTunes into creating legitimate activation tickets even though you’re unlocked with ultrasn0w. This means you get the full benefit of push applications, and your battery life increases substantially. If you’d like to try it out, check out

Problem with hacktivation is the Push Notifications. iOS 4.1/4.2.1 keeps on using Cellular data connection in search for valid push certificates which they never find thus battery drains pretty fast. However, when you activate using official SIM card or Subscriber Artificial Module (SAM), you’ll get fully working push notifications plus optimum battery performance.

Lets learn how to activate iPhone officially without official SIM with SAM & RedSn0w 0.9.6b6.

How to Activate iPhone Officially Without Official SIM

Step 1

Step 2

Jailbreak iPhone using any one of the guides linked below:

Step 3

After jailbreaking your iPhone; Open Cydia and add the following repo: (How to add repo to Cydia)

Step 4

Go to your just added repo/source and install the following two packages:

  • SAM
  • SAMPrefs

Step 6

  • Connect your iPhone to your computer and launch Redsn0w 0.9.6b6
  • Browse your iPhone firmware (iOS 4.2.1 or iOS 4.1) and hit next
  • Just select Deactivate option and hit next.
  • Follow the on screen instructions to complete RedSn0w steps.
  • Once RedSn0w has done its thing, your iPhone will be back to stock lockdownd condition.

Step 7

On your iPhone, Go to Settings > SAM and hit the De-Activate iPhone button. Then Simply connect to iTunes to Activate your iPhone.

***If iTunes says invalid SIM, you will need to manually select the appropriate carrier (from where your purchased the iPhone) under one of the methods besides “Automatic” and click on a SIMID.
***If you installed SAM and manually set your carrier but it is not working, please be sure you clicked on the SIM ID-even if there is only one.

via [Sbingner][Dev Team]

Unlock iPhone

Now you can unlock your iPhone using UltraSn0w 1.2 guide linked below:

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