iOS 4.1 Jailbreak for iPhone and iPod Touch

iOS 4.1 Jailbreak for iPhone and iPod Touch [Update]

With the iOS 4.1 firmware releasing next week with all older exploits patched, many of you are wondering if there’ll be a jailbreak for iOS 4.1. According to MuscleNerd, Comex will be working on a userland jailbreak for iOS 4.1. In case it fails, a BootRom or iBoot exploit based jailbreak will be next.

ios 4.1 jailbreak

Apple has already fixed the PDF exploit used in Jailbreakme 2.0 jailbreak for iOS 4.0.1, by releasing iOS 4.0.2. So, Comex will be working on a new userland iOS 4.1 jailbreak for iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, and iPod Touch 3G, 2G. But if he fails to release one, chances are a new bootrom based jailbreak will be released but it will take time to find a BootRom exploit.

This is what MuscleNerd has tweeted:

There’s no ETA for iOS 4.1 jailbreak.


  • All jailbreakers and unlockers are advised to NOT to update your devices to iOS 4.1 firmware once it’s out.
  • If you’re a loyal Dev-team follower and still using iOS 4.0.1 firmware, make sure you’ve PDF Patch installed to fix the PDF vulnerability.

Last but not the least, if we talk about GeoHot, he has NOT said his formal GoodBye to the jailbreak Scene. With no exploit available for iOS 4.1 firmware, will he make his return to surprise us? Let us know your views in the comments below.

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