FaceBreak : Enable FaceTime Over 3G Network - iPhoneHeat

FaceBreak : Enable FaceTime Over 3G Network

FaceBreak, a new jailbroken app, enables FaceTime over 3G network. By default, you can make FaceTime calls over WiFi network only. But once you’ve FaceBreak installed, reboot your iPhone and enjoy FaceTime calls over 3G.
facetime over 3g

FaceBreak description

“Enable FaceTime over 3G ! With 1 click and no setup, you can get FaceTime running over 3G and use it anywhere you want. No more looking up for nearby WiFi connection to use FaceTime. – Just install and Respring. FaceTime will now also work when on 3G!”

You can always enable/disable FaceTime from the iPhone Settings under “FaceBreak“. Your iPhone 4 MUST be jailbroken. (Jailbreak guide linked at the bottom.)

Absolutely do not update to 4.0.2 / 3.2.2. This update does nothing except break your jailbreak! If you have to restore, make sure you use Saurik’s server with your stored SHSH so that you can restore 4.0.1 firmware.

For the safari pdf security patch offered in 4.0.2, you can install Saurik’s patch for this by installing PDF Patch in cydia.

FaceBreak is available for iPhone 4 only in the Cydia store for $1.49.

facetime iphone 4

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