Dev_team has been working on iPhone 4 unlock for a week now.Complete progress report on unlock for iPhone 4 can be found here. Today, MuscleNerd confirms that iPhone 4 unlock is just one final step away.
This is what he just tweeted:
UPDATE: iPhone 4 Unlock is OUT. check the update below
Full i4 bars with custom “steve” background task spitting out “One more thing” – all pieces in place:)
It means the “next step” demoed in has been reached, so now there’s just 1 final step 🙂
Next step is to keep the task backgrounded like we did for 3G/3GS Backgrounded task is the unlock.
Great news for everyone waiting to unlock iPhone 4 on iOS 4. As far as iPhone 4 jailbreak is concerned, Comex has already taken care of it and now waiting for the iOS 4.01 / 4.1. GeoHot has also successfully jailbreak iPhone 4 but there’s no ETA from him.
WARNING: If you’re waiting to unlock iPhone 4 or want to jailbreak iPhone 4, make sure not to update to any future firmware updates otherwise you won’t be able to unlock/jailbreak iOS 4.
Update: iPhone 4 has been unlocked. Check the update here.
Update 2:
UltraSn0w 1.0-1 is OUT now.
How to: Unlock iPhone 4 iOs 4.0.1 with UltraSn0w 1.0-1
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