GeoHot, the little genius behind the original iPhone unlock, Blackra1n jailbreak and BlackSn0w unlock says GoodBye to the jailbreak Scene. After teasing us with an iPhone 4 jailbreak (later called fake) GeoHot not only closed his blog to public but also deleted his Twitter account.
What did encourage his decision to leave the Jailbreak community forever? Well, GeoHot has been complaining for a while about people harassing him about jailbreaks and release dates. In his last post on his blog (not accessible now) he shared a screenshot of jailbroken iPhone 4 and said he has no plans to release it. In return he met with hate and negative response from the public. Then he updated his blog post with this:
Sorry, this post was probably a bad idea. Next time I won’t say anything. I miss when this blog was actually about technical things (I’ve been reacting too much to the feedback, which led it to the place it’s in now). I didn’t fully realize most of the current scene don’t care unless they are getting something. Now I do. It’s late tonight, I’ll think about what to do about this in the morning.
Later he tweeted this:
I was just having fun but some people had to take this all way too seriously. it’s just a phone, and it isn’t much fun anymore.
My bio isn’t “iPhone hacker” it was just something i did occasionally when i was bored. seriously, i think many of you care way more than me.
It was a cool ride, and i’ve learned a lot about a lot. perhaps one of these days i’ll do a more formal goodbye.
GeoHot had also been flamed by many for his ego but like everyone of us he has the freedom to do whatever he wants and we should all respect that.
While GeoHot didn’t clearly say goodbye to the jailbreak Scene, he seems to be retiring from the scene, atleast for now. Something tells me his “formal goodbye” might be in the form of one final jailbreak/unlock tool, before he calls it a quit forever or may be he will return after some time.
Thanks George for all your hard work and surprising us with your talent. You’ll be missed.
Now the question arising in minds of many would be: what about the exploit he has? Well, the same exploit is shared by p0sixninja. With GeoHot gone, we still have great hackers like MuscleNerd, Planetbeing (the iPhone dev-Team), iH8Sn0w, Comex and p0sixninja who are actively working on developing jailbreak and unlock for the iPhone community.