The Associated Press, in conjunction with Visa has released a World Cup 2010 app for iPhone to follow your team throughout the Tournament.
AP 2010 World Cup Coverage shows up-to-date team standings, tournament news headlines, live game scores, schedules, and more. The app will also feature photos of your favorite team, star player profiles, and videos.
Feel the excitement of the games with AP’s 2010 World Cup Coverage! Follow your team throughout South Africa and enjoy a feature-rich multimedia experience with live game scores, schedules, standings, and more. Additional features include star player profiles, photos and videos, venue information and interactive voting to pick your favorites. Available in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, AP 2010 World Cup Coverage is the most trusted source for the World Cup action!
The World Cup 2010 begins June 11 through July 11. You can download AP 2010 World Cup Coverage from the App Store for free. [iTunes Link]
via [AppAdvice]
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