Saurik has updated Winterboard to ver. 0.9.3182 with the help of Dustin Howett. This update brings Winterboard for iPad support. According to Saurik, v 0.9.3182 is not 100% iPad Winterboard but he surely have made great progress on WinterBoard’s iPad support.
Winterboard for iPad Screenshot after the jump…
Icons, System UIs, Sliders, Wallpapers, and many other basic Winterboard features seems to be working fine on iPad. But, for now, don’t expect themes to work correctly on iPad like they does on iPhone or iTouch. We’ll keep you posted as there comes any theme for iPad or if you come across any do let us know, we will update our Themes section.
It’s time to start making themes for iPad with 72px app icons. 🙂
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