Backgrounder svn.r432-1 - Run Application in background iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

Backgrounder App Updated to svn.r432-1

Finally, after a long series of beta releases Backgrounder app has been updated to a final version svn.r432-1. Backgrounder let you run applications in background on your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad.

backgrounderBackgrounder is a Mobile Substrate-based extension to Apple’s SpringBoard application launcher that allows applications to run in the background (applications are normally terminated upon suspension).

What’s new in Backgrounder svn.r432-1

  • MOD: Major reworking of preferences
  • All settings can now be set per-application (by creating an “override”).
  • “Backgrounding Persists” has been renamed to “Stay Enabled”.
  • The former blacklisting option is now achieved by creating an override and setting “Backgrounding method” to “Native”.
  • The former always-enabled option is now achieved by creating an override and enabling both “Enable at Launch” and “Stay Enabled”.
  • MOD: Preferences app now supports iPad-mode (Portrait only).
  • NEW: Prevent apps such as Safari from backgrounding by setting “backgrounding method” to Off.
  • Most people will want to do this via an override, as global settings would affect *all* apps.
  • NEW: Button to reset settings to default values.
  • NEW: Option to show a backgrounding status indicator in the status bar.
  • NEW: “Minimize on Toggle” option; disable to prevent current app from minimizing when enabling/disabling backgrounding.
  • NEW: “Fallback to Native” option; disable to force even apps such as Mail, Phone, Safari and iPod to quit on minimize when backgrounding state is disabled.
  • FIX: Fixed support for modifying badge via WinterBoard.
  • File to theme is Backgrounder_Badge.png in the bundle.
  • FIX: Fixed iPad badge position.
  • Badge origin is {-12, 39} for iPhone/iPod, {-12, 53} for iPad.

You can download and install backgrounder from Cydia.

backgrounder appbackgrounder app

Your iPhone / iPod Touch or iPad must be jailbroken. You can jailbreak iPad 3.2, iPhone 3GS 3.1.3, 3.1.2 and iPod Touch 3.1.3, 3.1.2 using Spirit Jailbreak.

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Update 1: Download iPad iOS 3.2.1

Update 2: Save SHSH blobs for iPad iOS 3.2.1

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