Jailbreak iPhone OS 3.1.3 Firmware with RedSn0w - iPhoneHeat

Jailbreak iPhone OS 3.1.3 Firmware with RedSn0w

The latest iPhone OS 3.1.3 firmware updates the Baseband of your iPhone 3GS and 3G hence making it impossible to unlock these device using BlackSn0w installed via BlackRa1n. Fortunately iPhone 2G users are on the safe side in case of unlock because iPhone 2G Baseband remain intact while updating to iPhone firmware 3.1.3 (provided that you have jailbroken it previously at least once).

MuscleNerd of the legendary Dev-team has confirmed that using RedSn0w 0.9.3 you can jailbreak iPhone OS 3.1.3 on the following devices:

  • jailbreak iPhone 3G 3.1.3 (but cannot unlock)
  • jailbreak iPhone 2G 3.1.3 (can unlock as well)
  • jailbreak iPod Touch 2G (non-MC model only)
  • jailbreak iPod Touch 1G

iPod touch users please navigate to:

***Don’t go near this if you have 3GS, newer iPod Touch 2G, or any iPod Touch 3G
***if you depend on unlocking the iPhone, avoid this guide. The new Firmware 3.1.3 updates the Baseband to 05.12.01.
***So this guide is for iPhone 2G and those iPhone 3G users who do NOT care about unlocking.
***Read the guide first then try it at your own

Now that you’ve read the important part above, follow the simple step by step guide below to jailbreak iPhone 2G 3.1.3 firmware, jailbreak iPhone 3G 3.1.3 firmware (Don’t do it for iPhone 3G if you need an unlock though (really, don’t!)).

Jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3 Firmware

Step 1

Extracted the RedSn0w & Bootloaders archive and put the them and firmware IPSW files (iPhone firmware 3.1.3 and iPhone firmware 3.1.2) into a folder on your desktop.

Step 2

Open the iTunes, select your device from the left navigation pane.

Hold down the SHIFT key on Windows or ALT key on Mac and hit the Restore button in iTunes. Navigate to the downloaded firmware 3.1.3 for your device and select the firmware file (.ipsw) and hit Open.

iTunes will start restoring your iPhone firmware to iPhone OS 3.1.3.

Step 3

Once your iPhone is updates to OS 3.1.3, run the downloaded RedSn0w file.

Step 4

Hit the Browse button and provide it the downloaded firmware 3.1.2 file NOT 3.1.3 because RedSn0w 0.9.3 will not recognize iPhone OS 3.1.3.

Step 5

RedSn0w will verify your firmware file. Once done, hit the Next button.

Step 6 (for iPhone 2G users ONLY. Others please skip to Step 7)

To unlock iPhone 2G, select Install Cydia and Unlock options and provide the bootloader files.
If you just want to jailbreak iPhone 2G 3.1.3 then choose Install Cydia and hit next.

Step 7

On the next screen, check mark your desired options. For the purpose of this guide just choose Install Cydia and hit next. Select custom logos if you want them too. Hit Next.

Step 8

Read the on screen instructions to put your iPhone into DFU Mode.

Once you’ve entered into DFU Mode, RedSn0w will do its work and on successful completion, your iPhone will reboot.

You have successfully jailbreak iPhone 2G 3.1.3 and iPhone 3G 3.1.3.

We strongly recommend iPhone 3GS and 3G user to stay away from iPhone OS 3.1.3 until unless iPhone Dev Team or GeoHotz come up with updated jailbreak and unlock tool. However, you can always jailbreak iPhone OS 3.1.2 using Custom Firmware, RedSn0w, PwnageTool, Sn0wBreeze, BlackRa1n and unlock iPhone OS 3.1.2 using UltraSn0w and BlackSn0w.

Disclaimer: Follow this guide on your own. I can’t be help responsible if ANYTHING goes wrong.

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Update 1:

PwnageTool 3.1.5 is out now. You can follow the guide linked below to jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3, iPod Touch 3.1.3 using PwnageTool:

Update 2:

Sn0wbreeze v1.5 is out now. You can follow the guide linked below to jailbreak iPhone and iPod Touch using Sn0wbreeze:

Update 3:

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