Here comes the 3rd and most dangerous iPhone Malware case so far. Intego has found a Malware that’s far more dangerous than the ikee worm. Intego identified the worm as iPhone/Privacy.A and it takes advantage of the same vulnerability in the iPhone as the ikee worm. So, all those who have jailbreak iPhone and have NOT changed their Root password, having OpenSSH installed, are vulnerable to this worm.
Once the hacker connects to a jailbroken iPhone, the tool let the hacker to copy users private data like e-mail, contacts, SMSs, calendars, photos, music files, videos, as well as any data recorded by any iPhone app. Unlike ikee worm which alerts user by changing the iPhone background image, this newly spotted iPhone Worm invades jailbroken iPhones silently.
iPhone/Privacy.A simply runs on a Mac, PC, or even another iPhone and monitors for jailbroken devices. Once the software finds a vulnerable device, the hacker can then access and copy any information.
Non-Jailbroken iPhone and iPod Touch devices are NOT vulnerable to such worms. We recommend users with jailbroken iPhone to change their Root password using this guide:
How to Change Root Password to Secure Your iPhone