As reported earlier, GeoHot has succeeded in unlocking iPhone Baseband 05.11.07 using BlackSn0w. GeoHot was offered a reward of $10,000 for unlocking iPhone Baseband 05.11.07 but he declined the reward and blasts those reselling the unlock calling them scum.
BlackSn0w, the Unlock for iPhone Baseband 05.11.07 will be released of Nov 4th, 2009. GeoHot has posted this on his blog:
First off, Jody Sanders, I am declining your $10,000. Why? Because you, and the rest of the iPhone unlock sites out there are scum. You make money selling freeware; that’s not cool, and I am in no way going to legitimize it.
Seriously, the people who really lose here are the customers. These sites are full of blatant lies, claiming to have unlocks for 05.11.07 People buy them, and are told the unlock is in development, and the release date is unknown. Imagine you bought a cup of coffee and were told it’s in development? Recently, many of these sites sent out e-mails saying they made major breakthroughs and the unlock will be ready 11/04/09. Coincidence that that’s the release date of blacksn0w?
Geohot has asked users to help him in getting the truth out.
The iPhone unlock is free. “Let’s shut all these assholes down”
via [GeoHot’s Blog]