With the release of PwnageTool from the house of Dev-Team, now it’s again GeoHot who has come up with Mac version of BlackRa1n jailbreak.
BlackRa1n is said to be the easiest and quickest jailbreak solution so far. But here’s the most important difference between BlackRa1n and PwnageTool:
BlackRa1n requires you to update your iDevice to OS 3.1.2 and then jailbreak it. Which means your Baseband will be updated and would not be able to unlock your iPhone later. PwnageTool, on the other hand, creates a custom firmware which preserves your Baseband from updating so that you may unlock your iPhone later if you want to.
So, We strongly recommend to use PwnageTool if you want to Unlock your iPhone after jailbreaking it because PwnageTool does NOT update your iPhone Baseband.
Here’s a guide: how to jailbreak iPhone OS 3.1.2 using PwnageTool
Download BlackRa1n Jailbreak for Mac: