Before the release of iPhone 3GS and official words about its name, Rumors were floating around that the upcoming iPhone is named as iPhone Video. It was being said because many of the new features in iPhone 3GS were expected to be video related including video editing feature.
Finally, iPhone 3GS came with Video Recording, editing and sharing features. But even after the release of iPhone OS 3.0, both iPhone 2G and 3G were left deprived of video related features.
If you’re an iPhone 3G or iPhone 2G owner and like to have video editing capabilities in your iPhone just like the iPhone 3GS, this guide in for you. Yes, you need to Jailbreak your iPhone first. (Links to Jailbreak iPhone guides can be found at the bottom of this post).
The basic idea behind this hack is that you’ll be able to view your recorder videos using Cycorder and most importantly, you will be able to trim your video just like on an iPhone 3GS.
Usual warning applies:
Try this at your own risks.
How to Enable Video Editing on iPhone 3G or iPhone 2G
Considering that you already have a jailbroken iPhone OS 3.0, now you need to install the following applications from Cydia:
- Terminal
- SBSettings
- Cycorder
Step 1
Download Video Toggle:
- from Rapidshare
- from Senspacele
and unzip the file.
Step 2
Step 3
Copy the unzipped file to
Step 4
Open the Terminal application from your iPhone and type: su now hit return button. Then enter alpine as password.
Then type:
bash /private/var/tmp/VideoToggle/install
(Note: There’s a SPACE between “bash” and “/“)
Step 5
Now your iPhone will Respring automatically. If it doesn’t then simply turn it Off and then back ON.
This is it.
Now you’ll find a new toggle “VideoEdit” in SBSettings that will let you edit video on your iPhone 3G or 2G. (Swap the finger on the top bar >battery, date, carrier< on your iPhone to access SBSettings). Turn the Toggle ON to enable Video Trimming.
To give it a shot, just record a new video using Cycorder or use an existing one. (The newly recorded video will only appear in Camera Roll if you turn the Trimming Toggle once again OFF and then ON)
Now go to the Camera App and play the video of your choice from Camera Roll. If you tap on the video the Seek bar will be like Trimming bar. You can trim the video using it like this:
When the toggle in on, you won’t be able to take pictures. (Switching the toggle OFF and then rebooting your device will enable pictures taking again.)
Did this work for you? Don’t forget to share your experience. and if you have any iPhone related tip(s) then share it with us.
Jailbreak Your iPhone Guides:
Jailbreak iPhone 3GS
Jailbreak iPhone 3G
Jailbreak iPhone 2G