OK here’s a good news for all the Windows users out there. The iPhone Dev-Team has released the RedSn0w jailbreak for iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod touche 2G and 1st Gen. RedSn0w does a jailbreak similar to QuickPwn for these devices.
Before this The Dev-Team release PwnageTool 3.0 which supports Mac only so left the Windows users out of the Game. RedSn0w comes with functionality similar to iTunes in which you don’t create a custom firmware t Jailbreak/Unlock iPhone.
The iPhone dev team have published the following details on the blog about their latest hacking tool:
- GOLDEN RULE: If you are using a 3G iPhone with yellowsn0w and rely on yellowsn0w to obtain cellular service, then you should NOT use redsn0w right now. Ultrasn0w (the 3G carrier unlock) is not included with this release and therefore your baseband will be locked and unable to use an operator other than the official one it was bought for. UltraSn0w will be released via APT (cydia and icy) soon. If you have an original iPhone (1st generation) then 3.0 carrier unlock works with this redsn0w release.
- Yellowsn0w in its current form will NOT work with the baseband version that is present in the 3.0 update, you will need Ultrasn0w, which will be released sometime soon, Ultrasn0w will work with all iPhone 3G models (but not 3GS), even ones that were previously unlockable, Ultrasn0w (when available) will be released via APT (this means you will be able to get it via Cydia or Icy).
- Please read all parts of this post before downloading and using these tools.
- Read items 1, 2 and 3 again and again.
- At the bottom of this post are the bittorrent files for the latest version of redsn0w.
- This app is suitable for the recent 3.0 release
- redsn0w will NOT work for the iPhone 3GS.
- redsn0w WILL work for Original iPhone (1st Generation), Original iPod touch, iPod touch 2G and the iPhone 3G (not the iPhone 3GS).
To use redsn0w simply upgrade the device in iTunes to firmware version 3.0 and run redsn0w to activate and jailbreak the device (and if you are using an original iPhone 2G, it will unlock it too!)
We can summarize the above info device wise:
Redsn0w is a multi-platform, multi-device hacking tool so it can be used by both Mac and Windows users. However, there are some issues using redsn0w with OS X PPC which will be fixed as soon as possible as per Dev-Team. .
iPhone 2G (1st Gen iPhone)
You can Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 2G OS 3.0 with this version of RedSn0w.
How to Jailbreak/Unlock iPhone 2G on OS 3.0 With RedSn0w (Windows)
iPhone 3G
You can use redsn0w to ONLY jailbreak iPhone 3G running iPhone OS 3.0. You should NOT use redsn0w if you are already using yellowsn0w to unlock your iPhone 3G.
iPhone 3G users will have to wait for Dev team to release UltraSn0w to unlock iPhone 3G running iPhone OS 3.0. Dev team haven’t provided any update on when they will be releasing UltraSn0w.
- How to Jailbreak iPhone 3G on OS 3.0 with RedSn0w (Windows)
iPhone 3G S
Redsn0w does NOT jailbreak or Unlock iPhone 3G S. Since iPhone 3GS went on sale only yesterday, it will take them sometime to figure out a solution.
iPod Touch
Redsn0w jailbreaks both 1st generation iPod Touch and 2nd generation iPod Touch.
We will keep you posted if there any updates to the current situation. If you were having trouble to jailbreaking your iPhone 3G with PwnageTool 3.0 or iPhone 2G and unlock iPhone 2G using the PwnageTool 3.0, can give redsn0w a shot.
But since the tool has just been released, please proceed with caution. As always, please don’t forget to drop us a line in the comments below to tell us how it goes.
Download Links:
Unofficial morrors:
- http://www.chemicalwebs.com/redsn0w/redsn0w-mac_0.7.zip
- http://download.server-land.com/redsn0w/redsn0w-mac_0.7.zip
- http://therepository.binarytide.com/redsn0w/redsn0w-mac_0.7.zip
- http://www.bielsipod.de/Daten/redsn0w-mac_0.7.zip
- http://necoda.com/redsn0w-mac_0.7.zip
- http://g.appleguru.org/redsn0w-mac_0.7.zip
- http://download.desteini.com/mac/redsn0w-mac_0.7.zip
- http://schaffnerd.com/redsn0w/redsn0w-mac_0.7.zip
- http://www.chemicalwebs.com/redsn0w/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://intern.datentankstelle.at/iphone/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://www.gotokohsamui.com/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://www.bielsipod.de/Daten/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://cligs.ee/assets/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://www.andygo.de/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://linhsex.net/data/redsn0w/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://download.server-land.com/redsn0w/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://asifzia.com/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://g.appleguru.org/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://iphone.h4ck.org.il/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://bentkowski.com.pl/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://theiphoneproject.org/windows/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
- http://begolli.com/downloads/win/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
Download RedSn0w 0.9.6rc16 (Jailbreaks iOS 4.3.3)