Apple, once again, starting another round of high volume iPhone push notification testing. Apple has already conducted such Push Notification service testing But this time it’s with using AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) application.
The following email was sent to the selected developers.
As a developer actively working with iPhone OS, we would like your help in a private test of the Apple Push Notification service. For this test, we have selected AOL’s AIM Developer Preview for iPhone OS 3.0 to create a high-volume test environment for our servers.??To participate, we ask that you follow these steps:
1. Download AIM Developer Preview for iPhone OS 3.0 from the iTunes Store via your desktop by entering this unique redemption code in the ‘Redeem’ section of iTunes, found under the ‘Quick Links’ section:
Note: the functionality of the application will expire in seven days.
2. Install the application on a development device running iPhone OS 3.0 GM Seed by syncing it to iTunes. This application can only be installed on devices running iPhone OS 3.0 GM Seed.
3. Launch the application and accept to receive Push Notifications when prompted. You can log in with any existing AOL, AIM, .mac or MobileMe account.
4. If you do not receive notifications from the app within 48 hours after installation, let us know.
Apple has already announced the new iPhone 3GS which is due on June 19th and we will have our hands on to the latest and the greatest iPhone OS 3.0 2 days earlier than new iPhone.
via [MacRumors]
Update 1:
Push Doctor is the new best Push Notification Solution: