Downgrade iPhone 3G baseband (any) to 2.28 with 3G Fuzzyband Downgrader - iPhoneHeat

Downgrade iPhone 3G baseband (any) to 2.28 with 3G Fuzzyband Downgrader

A few weeks back, we wrote a step-by-step iPhone guide on How to Downgrade iPhone 3G (2.2.1) Baseband 2.30 to 2.28 for Unlock. That guide let you downgrade iPhone 3G baseband 2.30 to 2.28. But there are two limitation to that guide.

  1. Your iPhone 3G Bootloader version must be 5.08.
  2. You need to go through some technical command lines to check the bootloader version of your iPhone.

3G Fuzzyband Downgrader, developed by w1kedZ (coding) & DHowett (GUI), has taken care of the second issue. Fuzzyband Downgrader comes with one click method that itself checks your iPhone bootloader version without requiring any command lines from user end. User just need to press a button  and it will check iPhone Bootloader version and if it’s 5.08, then you can downgrade Any Baseband ranging from 2.30 to 4.26.08 (beta 5).

Modmyi explains the way how the tool works:

  1. It verifies your bootloader version and displays it before attempting to downgrade (won’t attempt if bootloader isn’t 5.08) so it is much safer than other methods.
  2. It detects current baseband version, and the patches accordingly…this means it will downgrade any baseband from 2.30 to 4.26.08 (beta 5)
  3. It is available now on the BigBoss Repo. Look for 3G Fuzzyband Downgrader.

Have a look at screenshots to know how simple it is:


You can get 3G Fuzzyband Downgrader from Cydia. So, for the purpose, your need to Jailbreak iPhone 3G.

Usual warning applies: Use at your own Risk. We havn’t tried this but if you’re adventurous and going to give it a shot, we would love to listen your experience with 3G Fuzzyband Downgrader.

If you find yourself lucky having Bootloader 5.8 and have successfully downgraded iPhone Baseband, then you can use the following guide to Unlock iPhone 3G:

Unlock iPhone 3G with YellowSn0w


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