How to Fix the Rogers 3G Date & Time Error

iPhone Tips: How to Fix the Rogers 3G Date & Time Error

Many of the Canadian iPhone users are facing the timestamps within Mail and World Clock mismatch problem. A Canadian iPhone blogger has posted solution to this problem after fixing it with his iPhone.

I immediately assumed it was a Rogers 3G network error or possibly Gmail. After asking a few of my friends with iPhones, and receiving some tips from you guys out there (thanks Dan!), there is an easy fix to this.

I’ve also been experiencing the sudden loss of 3G in areas that normally get excellent reception. I would be baffled as to why the “E” would appear in the corner instead of the “3G”. Rogers must be either testing their 3G networks, or maybe they are exceeding capacity in Vancouver.

How to Fix the Rogers 3G Time/Date Error

1. Go to Settings–>General–>Date & Time–>toggle Set Automatically to OFF
2. Time Zone–>Vancouver; Set the real time (or whatever the “time” is in your fantasy world).


3. Turn off 3G (if you desperately need the correct date and time.


Are you experiencing any Date & Time issues with your iPhone on Rogers/Fido? I’d love to hear how many people this is affecting.


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