Learn How to check iPhone Bootloader version (Windows)
Geohot (George Hotz) has found a loophole in iPhone 3G bootloader 5.8 that leads to downgrading iPhone Baseband 2.30 to 2.28. The exploit to downgrade iPhone Baseband works for bootloader 5.8 only.
Unfortunately, Majority of the users who wishes to downgrade are on bootloader 5.9. In one of his comments:
I’m convinced there’s a way to make it run the 5.8 ramloader instead of the bb in ram. means Unlocks for all versions.
Both iPhone Dev-Team and Geohot are finding the loopholes to accomplish this downgrade process for all those who’re waiting for their 3Gs to show network signals.
I’ve been off the iPhone scene for a while. A couple days ago, I got an e-mail from Chronic asking for help with the new asr. I helped out with genpass, and started reading through theiphonewiki again. Thanks so much for all the information contributed so far; it prompted me to find this.
In bootloader 5.8 on the 3G, the loader signature validator is broken. Someone botched an if statement checking the location and length of the loader in the cert. Because of this, you can pass the run cert for the firmware you currently have on the phone instead of the loader cert, and send whatever you want as a loader.
Here is a bspatch file to be applied to ICE2_02.28.00.fls allowing downgrades from 2.30.03 using BBUpdaterExtreme. By replacing the patched cert with your current run cert, you can downgrade from any other version.
Unfortunately, most 3G’s out there are bootloader 5.9 I was hoping, since RSA was added to the bootrom, that it would run the vulnerable ramstrapper, but I had no luck, although I didn’t try that hard. I see no reason why it shouldn’t work theoretically; the bootrom RSA is complicated, maybe when I finish EDA…
And dev, since you’re into hashes