In this iPhone Guide your will learn how to Jailbreak iPhone 3G 2.2.1.
Read these Points Carefully Before Starting
- Hacking your iPhone could void its warranty.
- This guide is for Windows users only.
- This Step-by-Step guide is for iPhone 3G owners only.
- If you’re an iPhone 2G owner, please go to this link: Jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 2G. Update for iPhone OS 3.0: How to Jailbreak/Unlock iPhone 2G OS 3.0 (MAC)
- If you need to only jailbreak your iPhone 3G and do NOT want to unlock it, this guide is for you.
- Do NOT use this guide to unlock your iPhone 3G firmware 2.2.1 because it cannot.
- To unlock your iPhone 3G 2.2.1, you need Pwnage Tool that preserves baseband of your iPhone and unlock it (Guide coming soon). Pwnage Tool is available for Mac ONLY.
- Firmware 2.2.1 updates iPhone Baseband to 2.30.08 that can only be unlocked if updated via Pwnage Tool (Mac only). Any iPhone 3G having Baseband version 2.28.08 can be unlocked. Please refer to this link to know How to check iPhone Baseband version.
- Use this guide and try Quickpwn at your own risk.
Jailbreak iPhone 3G Firmware 2.2.1 using Quickpwn 2.2.5
Before starting the process, make sure you have the following required stuff:
- an iPhone 3G
- iTunes (the latest one)
- iPhone 3G Firmware 2.2.1 (iPhone1,2_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw)
- Microsoft .Net Framework (if you don’t already have) for QuickPwn to run
Step 1
- Install iTunes and Microsoft .Net Framework, if not done yet.
- Create a new folder a name it ‘quickpwn’.
- Extract the downloaded into quickpwn folder. Also move iPhone1,2_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw firmware file into quickpwn folder.
Now your ‘quickpwn‘ folder will look like this:
Step 2 – Restoring iPhone
Connect your iPhone 3G to your computer and open iTunes.
From the left menu in iTunes, select your connected device i.e. your iPhone 3G . Hold down the SHIFT key and hit RESTORE button as shown below.
On clicking RESTORE button, you will be asked for .ipsw file. Select “iPhone1,2_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw” firmware file that we download before starting the process. Then hit OPEN.
iTunes will start restoring your iPhone software.
Step 3 – Lets Jailbreak iPhone 3G
To jailbreak iPhone, we have got Quickpwn (Thanks to iPhone Dev Team). Execute the QuickPwn.exe from quickpwn folder.
Read what iPhone DevTeam is saying to you and hit OK.
After making sure that your iPhone 3G is connected to your computer, hit BLUE ARROW to continue.
On the next screen, click the BROWSE button
Locate iPhone firmware file (“iPhone1,2_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw”) from quickpwn folder and click OPEN.
Then Quickpwn will check if your provided .ipsw file is valid. On completion, you will see a green check mark on the iPhone as shown below. Then hit NEXT Button.
Now choose what you want to do with your iPhone.
- Add Cydia, Add Installer – add Cydia and Installer to you iPhone
- Replace Boot Logo – Startup Apple Logo will be replace by Quickpwn logo
After making your choices click NEXT button.
At this stage, once again make sure that your iPhone 3G is connected via USB. When you are ready, click the NEXT button.
Your iPhone will go into recovery mode automatically. Once iPhone is in recover mode, you will be prompted to:
- Hold the Home button for 5 seconds
- Hold the Home and Power buttons for 10 seconds (Don’t let go Home)
- Release the Power button and continue holding the Home button. Hold it until your iPhone goes into DFU mode.
Performing above actions promptly is crucial.
After detecting DFU Mode, QuickPwn will starts jailbreaking your iPhone 3G.
Quickpwn will prompt you when the process is completed successfully.
Good Luck and don’t forget to share your experience here.
Happy Jailbreaking iPhone 3G.
Update (iPhone OS 3.1.2)
Update: (iPhone Os 3.0)
Jailbreak iPhone Firmware 3.1.3:
- Jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3 firmware using RedSn0w
- Jailbreak iPod Touch 3.1.3 firmwrae using RedSn0w 0.9.4
- Jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3 using PwnageTool
- Jailbreak iPhone OS 3.1.3 using Sn0wbreeze
- Jailbreak iPod Touch OS 3.1.3 using Sn0wbreeze
- Download iPhone OS 3.1.3 custom firmware
Jailbreak iPhone Firmware 3.1.2: